It is a Department of Education policy that no painkillers are to be issued by the school for student use. However, from time to time, students may require medication.
Parents/carers are encouraged to schedule antibiotic and short-term medication so that medications are given to students before school and on arrival home from school.
If students require regular and/or intermittent medication, a parent/carer is required to contact the school and negotiate appropriate arrangements with the Head Teacher Wellbeing or the Deputy Principal.
Relevant paperwork must be signed by a parent/carer and will be lodged in the student’s personal file in the front office.
Where long-term medical or allergic conditions requiring medication exist, the family doctor should provide directions in writing, through a parent/carer as to the nature of the medication and its prescribed use. If such medications are to be stored at school for use during the day, they will be kept in an appropriate and safe place.
The school has designated personnel, nominated by the Principal, to administer medication or to supervise students who administer their own medication. Alternative arrangements are in place if the designated personnel are absent or unavailable.
The designated personnel are present during medication administration and full details of medications administered are recorded in a medication register. Identification safeguards are also kept with this register. Parents/carers are responsible for notifying the school of any possible side effects or allergies to medication.
See Health care support for process to request support.